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Everything You Need To Know About Nailympia

We went along to the world championship of nail art, and everyone totally nailed it.

Founded in 2004, Nailympia is a competition for nail artists across the world to show off their skils.

There are several categories, from who can do the best French manicure, to 3D sculpture.

The fantasy category is the most dramatic of all. The contestants are encouraged to be as imaginative and unusual as possible.

The contestants bring stick-on nails they have made at home, from acrylics and gels.

They then have an hour to stick-on the nails and assemble any finishing touches to the outfit.

Here, contestants from Malaysia assemble their outfit before the competition begins.

Fantasy judge Tracy Boyle said, "The whole outfit has to tell a story from head to fingertip."

Many contestants build backdrops for the nails to be worn on the model's arms.

This model had to have a stand to hold up her arm platform.

The contestants approach nail design as an art form, rather than a beauty treatment.

Some of the contestants were not professional nail technicians, but do nail art as a hobby.

Judge Tracey Boyle said she was looking for a fully 3D design. "I don't like it when they just have stuff on the top of the nail, I want sculpture on the underneath too."

Themes for the nail sets varied from World War I commemorative nails, to a global travel set featuring a decent looking cup of tea.

Third prize in the fantasy masters division went to Sheila Tan from Singapore.

Second prize went to Yi-Wen Li, from Taiwan.

First prize went to Alla Kestenko, from Kazakhstan.

Congratulations Alla!