19 Reasons Being Tidy Is A Curse

    Discarded empty packets haunt you wherever you go.

    1. Being a tidy person is like having a sixth sense.

    2. Where other people see a clutter-free surface, you see empty packets.

    3. Where regular people see the empty spaces, you see the chaos.

    4. It's hard for you to see the world as other people see it.

    why we have such a housemate...what a mess...no brain at all..really can't read his mind

    Do they just see an empty sink? Do they not see the rotting food clogging the drain?

    5. You try to act like a normal person, just block out the disorder.

    You have no idea how much mental energy it takes me to pretend my housemate's mess isn't there

    BUT YOU CAN'T!!!!

    6. You just don't understand the thought process that led to someone putting an empty bottle back in the fridge.

    7. You wonder if it's just you who hates stepping on slimy bits of food on the floor.

    8. It's not like you don't try to see the other side's point of view. You try to understand not hanging the bath mat up after having a shower.

    9. You feel the pain of the empty toilet roll tube, never being laid to rest.

    10. You always end up cleaning the moldy food containers.

    11. And it is always you that ends up tackling the bathroom.

    12. Because it is always you who cracks first.

    13. Sometimes you're really tired, but you feel you HAVE to do the washing up before you go to bed.

    14. If for some crazy reason you don't do the dishes that evening, the next day it's like they're watching you.

    15. Everywhere you look there seems to be mess.

    16. And everywhere you look there are messy people creating mess.

    Every day that passes is another day a used mug gets left on the surface, just above the dishwasher.

    17. It's hard not to judge those messy people for their ways.

    18. You try to resist the passive aggressive note. You really do.

    19. Sometimes you wish you could shake the curse.

    But really you know this is a blessing not a curse.

    Now take a deep breath and look at this lovely supermarket aisle.