The Best Of The Internet's Reaction To The Comet Landing

    Humans managed to land a probe on a comet for the first time. And the internet is being quite funny about it.

    Some seemed a little underwhelmed by this huge leap forward in science.

    First pictures back show comet is a dull lifeless morass with no atmosphere. Could have saved billions and landed it on swindon. HONK etc

    Everyone claps when a probe lands on a comet but no-one cared when I parallel parked amazingly last week #itsonethingforsome

    Everyone was hoping for aliens.

    First updates coming through from Philae on the comet: “Oh god, they’re alive! There’s hundreds of them. They’re coming for me. Hel-"

    The leader of the Comet Welcoming Committee welcomes us.

    imagine if the first photo that came back from the surface of a comet was of a frog-eyed racist sipping a pint.

    But Europe is very pleased to finally claim something in space as its own.

    THIS SHIT IS OURS! TAKE THAT AMERICA!!1 EU! EU! EU! ♫Blasting Ode to Joy in space♫

    There were plenty of Armageddon references.

    Call me a nerd but it's very exciting to hear about the #CometLanding. Hopefully we can learn lots. Like if Bruce Willis is still up there

    Guys, we're landing on a comet tonight! Hope we get to keep Bruce Willis this time, though.

    The comet landing is exciting but please remember that, right now, Bruce Willis is staying behind so Ben Affleck can marry Liv Tyler.

    Sadly no sightings of Bruce Willis have been confirmed by the EMA yet.

    Too many Comet tweets, Armageddon out of here.

    There were references to the other large round talking point of the day.

    Imagine if it was Kim Kardashian’s arse that landed on the comet.

    Good job landing on a comet, European Space Agency! You're presently about 0.0001% as famous as Kim Kardashian's left butt cheek.

    Some people seemed a little confused.

    I don't really understand why @spacegovuk has put Philae on a comet? Am i missing something? #CometLanding

    Robot Philae has made history by landing on a comet. Mr Clegg says he's amazed; he thought Comet had gone bust ages ago. Awkward. #Philae

    Everyone is very excited about the possible future uses of the comet.

    Next, let's see if we can put Ryan Seacrest on a comet.

    Now Operation: Divert The Comet Into Our Enemies can begin.

    My god, the rent on that comet is astronomical. Still cheaper than Manhattan, though.

    The pictures so far have been limited, luckily some people were making their own graphics.

    Here is the Rosetta Probe landing on a comet made out of paperclips.

    People were already wondering whether the EU open boarder policy would include the comet.

    How long before Comet 67P becomes the next EU tax haven?

    Is there no one on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko who knows how to make a sandwich?

    Plenty of people seemed to think there were other uses for human brain power than landing on comets.

    #WeCanLandOnACometButWeCant keep chumbawamba from getting back up again. we're never going to keep them down

    #WeCanLandOnACometButWeCant stop saying Hump Day on Wednesdays.

    Lots of people were very happy and impressed.

    Wow. "Landed on a moving comet". I can't even walk straight when I'm talking.

    hey, they landed a robot on a comet! that's genuinely really cool! I hope nothing else happens on Twitter today & we all stay in a good mood

    Everyone was VERY impressed by the lead scientist's sexy galaxy t-shirt lady and hopeful landing tattoo combo.

    COMET SCIENTIST OF THE DAY shows off his comet probe tattoo and sports a fetching shirt.

    Though some were a bit disappointed that the scientists managed to pull it off.

    Deleted the draft tweet I had ready if it all went wrong. 'That's the problem with scientists. They just can't comet.'

    This guy got meta.

    Aren't we all kinda on a comet?