We Tried Temporary Lip Tattoos To See If They'd Actually Work

    "It looks like I had a really bad time in a Michael’s craft store."

    Temporary lipstick tattoos are like pretty nail art -- but for your lips. But how easy are they to apply? And will they actually stay put? The women of Ladylike decided to put them to the test:

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    We decided to try Violent Lips lip appliqués, which come in both glitter and printed patterns:

    First, we had to measure how much we would need to cut by relaxing our mouths into "Ooooh" and "Aaaaaah" shapes.

    Then, we had to cut the tattoos down to size...

    ... but we had to avoid putting any part of the tattoo on our inner lips (which would give our lips an... interesting color contrast).

    Then we took off the plastic, pressed them to our lips and SOAK SOAK SOAKED them with water until the paper backing came off.

    Jen got a more lip than she bargained for:

    While Safiya ended up a little short-changed:

    Freddie struggled until she realized she forgot to take the plastic off hers, first.

    EVERYBODY ended up covered in water.

    And we realized that the lip tats don't allow for a lot of facial expressions:

    All in all: Freddie's sprinkes-printed lip tattoo ended up just a litttttle bit off center.

    Kristin's rainbow lips turned out better than how she was expecting.

    Safiya determined that her polka dot lips are more for costumes than for every day.

    And Jen's glitter top lip fell off almost immediately after she tried to put it on.

    Poor Jen. :( :( :(