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19 Horrifying Vegan Problems

Being vegan is harder than you ever imagined. These are just a few of the daily horrors we face in this unrelenting nightmare we call "life."

1. When you are completely unable to control yourself at Whole Foods:

2. When you run out of B12:

3. When you realize you forgot to Instagram your seitan picatta:

4. When this nightmare situation happens:

5. Or this one:

6. When otherwise intelligent-seeming people try to argue with you that plants have feelings:

7. When the supermarket only has this Ramen:

... and not this one:

8. When everyone you know is suddenly a nutrition expert:

9. Not being able to get past Level 5, no matter how hard you try:

10. When your food is delicious, but finicky:

11. This:

12. This:


14. Constantly dying because of protein deficiency:

15. When the pharmacy doesn't stock Tom's of Maine toothpaste ...

16. ... or deodorant:

17. "Can't you just pick the cheese out of it?"

18. The unrelenting, debilitating terror that this might be the case:

19. And, of course, that whole desert island thing ...