39 Cats Who Were Brilliantly Pranked By Their Owners

    These cats always thought they were better and smarter than their people. But they hadn't reckoned with the devious brilliance of the duct-tape prison ....

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to prank their cats by trapping them in brilliant duct tape prisons. Here are the amazing results.

    1. Things started off slow. The traps were set ...

    2. ... but it wasn't clear that the cats were going to fall for them.

    3. A tense standoff was developing ...

    4. The cats were not taking the bait!

    vine.co / Via buzzfeed.com

    Submitted by haleyamoss.

    5. "What, do you think I'm some kind of idiot?"

    6. "We laugh at your pathetic attempts to trap us."

    7. "Your trap is an embarrassment. Your plan has failed. I turn my back on your laughable scheme."

    8. Desparate attempts to turn the traps into "party traps" were met with disdain and contempt.

    9. The cats were mocking our efforts. We had been made into fools!

    10. But then something happened. The Siren song of the traps was too powerful ...

    11. Surely, there couldn't be anything wrong with just taking a peek ...

    12. And we got 'em!

    13. We had them right where we wanted them.

    14. And suddenly, thanks to one weak moment of overwhelming curiosity, they were ours.

    15. Forever.

    16. Helpless to escape our devious clutches.

    17. The pull had been too strong ...

    18. And now they were facing the consequences.

    19. Helpless.

    20. Trapped forever.

    21. Doomed to spend eternity in a prison of their own making.

    22. Confined by the walls of their own hubris ...

    23. Incarcerated behind the bars of their overweening pride.

    24. Stuck in the cage of their arrogance.

    25. Held fast by the devisings of their own conceit.

    26. And once they were trapped, there was no way out.

    27. No one was safe.

    28. No one.

    29. Cats like Mr. Pancakes bravely attempted to chew through the walls of their duct-tape prison.

    30. But as soon as they stepped inside walls, those walls became their jail.

    31. And there was nothing for them to do but wait.

    32. Ruing the day that their blind ambition had led them into this confinement.

    33. Pleading with their owners to set them free.

    34. Trying every form of blandishment.

    35. Imploring ...

    36. Entreating ...

    37. Threatening ...

    38. But at the last, they were resigned to their fate.

    39. We had them beat. We had them outwitted. We had our cats trapped. For now.

    The end.

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