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Then And Meow: 15 "Then And Now" Cats

Sometimes cats are then; sometimes they are now. Here, then, are 15 then and now cats from then (which was now, then) and now (which is now, now). Sorry about that description!

1. Then And Now, With A Teddy Bear

2. Then And Now, In A Shoebox

3. Then And Now, In A Hammock

4. Then And Now, In Another Hammock

5. Then And Now, At The Computer

6. Then And Now, At Another Computer

7. Then And Now, On Someone's Shoulder

8. Then And Now, In A Basket

9. Then And Now, BFFs

10. Then And Now, On A Girl's Head

11. Then And Now, Fighting The Same Battle

12. Then And Now, In The Cat Bed

13. Then And Now, More BFFs

14. Then And Now, With A Shoe

15. Then And Now, At The Window