This Raccoon's Reaction To A Treat Is All Of Us

    Because we all know what it's like to have a dream.

    This little raccoon is offered a treat, and he's so excited about it that he can barely muster the courage to reach for it.

    But the truth is, this raccoon thinking that life is too good to be true is perfect for any situation...

    1. When you're carrying a ton of groceries and someone unexpectedly holds the door open for you:

    2. When you go shopping and see that the shirt you wanted is actually on sale and it's too good to be true:

    3. When Starbucks has those free cookie samples by the register and you quietly take one:

    4. When you're at a bar and someone offers to buy you a drink:

    5. When your coworker brings in their adorable puppy to work and all you want to do is hold it:

    6. When you go food shopping and see there's only one box of white cheddar mac and cheese left:

    7. When your date says you can have the last bite of dessert:

    8. When your parents ask if you need any money:

    9. When you realize there's only one beer left at the party you're at:

    10. When your Netflix buffers and all you want is for it to come back:

    11. When your job says that you do, in fact, have that Monday holiday off:

    12. And when your friend orders fries and asks if you want one:

    Thank you, little raccoon friend, for reaching for the stars.