The 16 Worst Types Of People On Twitter

    Looking at you, people who love to humblebrag!

    1. People who love to dish out unwanted advice.

    2. People who don't understand how to use a hashtag.

    3. People who reveal #spoilers.

    4. People who make reaching a certain number of followers your problem.

    5. People who immediately say they won't follow back, even if you weren't looking for that.

    6. People who passive aggressively post song lyrics.

    7. People who aren't afraid of a little #TMI.

    8. People desperately calling out for attention.

    9. People who should just Google it.

    10. #FF enthusiasts

    11. People who talk about their Favstar trophies as if it's an Oscars speech.

    12. #WTF people

    13. People who only post in CAPS

    14. Or people who don't hit caps lock, but just randomly cap words that don't need it.

    15. And the people who post each and every vague emotion they have.