If Fortune Cookies Existed For Thirtysomethings

    "Watching House Hunters isn't a waste of time; it's an investment in your future."

    1. Because getting older can sometimes be a little interesting.

    2. A reminder that the best things in life are coming your way.

    3. The guidance we all need the next time the elliptical asks us to enter our age.

    4. The dream of never hearing a twentysomething say the dreaded phrase.

    5. A fortune that taps into what we all secretly want: to retire right now.

    6. Reassurance that the "oldies" station makes you a classic, which is ALWAYS in style.

    7. Some real talk about what happens when you drink now.

    8. Permission to say "NO" to babies.

    9. And permission to cancel, just because it feels so damn good.

    10. Approval to roll your eyes the next time a twentysomething starts talking about how many weddings they've attended.

    11. The one thing we all secretly miss hearing...

    12. And proof that all that time you spend on HGTV now isn't going to waste.