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For Everyone Who Has A Love-Hate Relationship With Their Wavy Hair

You love it, just so long as there's no rain in the forecast...

Question: What exactly IS wavy hair?

It's not curly, really, but it's also not straight...

Nah, it's WAVY. Like the damn sea. Like some mermaid-level shit that just happens to be on your head.

Some days you wake up and it's like, "This hair? This BEAUTIFUL HAIR is mine? FOREVER?"

And other days your waves totally give zero fucks and decide to go rogue.

Brushing your waves? No, you can't do that.

Because you don't want to turn your head into a cemetery for brushes, OK?

And humidity? Waves only have one response to that: Fluffy fuzziness.

Wavy hair is unpredictable. Volatile. And likely plotting against you.

And sometimes you resort to straightening, because you just want ONE easy hair day.

But it's never easy to tame the wave. Not really.

Because no matter how hard you try to tell your waves, "SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!" they'll always remind you that they're there.

OK, and yes, you own enough hair products to legally make you a traveling salon...

And people you've never even met will sometimes just TOUCH YOUR HAIR because it's so ~different~.

But what about the awesome wavy hair days?

Where everything is just...

Divine. Otherworldly. Perfection. ::: dies of happiness :::

So, yes, there will be bad wavy hair days...

Frizz issues...

Brush problems...

And a fear of the rain, in general.

But you're one of those rare people who can wear your hair wavy or straight.

One of those people who can look like a damn goddess sent down from heaven to save us all one minute...

And in that same minute, look classy as fuck.

So embrace the wave!

Love every part of rocking the wave!

And really own being ONE OF US.

Because wavy hair really is fucking fabulous, and we all need to share it with the world.

And on rainy days, we share it by wearing it in a cute ponytail. #wavyladiesunite