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19 Things Everyone Who Doesn't Know What To Do With Their Hair Understands

Like a tomboy, but for hair.

1. It's not that you have bad hair, it's just that you only have two hairstyles: up or down.

2. And sometimes even those styles can be questionable.

3. You have absolutely no idea what to do with bobby pins.

4. Braids are insanely frustrating, because they look so simple, but you can't ever do them right.

5. The idea of spending time trying to figure out how to do a different style actually makes you sad.

6. And every time you DO try a new ~fancy~ style, something inevitably goes wrong.

7. As far as hair accessories go, you really just have the one kind.

8. Because you don't know how to style your hair, you've thought about cutting it all off so you don't have to stress about it anymore.

9. If you're having a bad hair day, the world will likely know, because there's no way you're going to figure out how to fix it.

10. Formal events are always a nightmare, because that means more is expected of your hair.

11. The idea of posing for photos can often be stressful, because you don't know what state your hair is in.

12. People literally have no idea how to react when you try something different, because you so rarely do.

13. The only time your hair ever really looks crazy-sexy-cool is when someone else does it for you.

14. And it feels a little like playing dress up, if you're being totally honest.

15. Pinterest hair tutorials look like actual hieroglyphics to you.

16. It's not that you don't WANT cool hairstyles, it's just that you literally have no idea how to do them.

17. And products? No, you don't understand why or how they exist.

18. When you see other people who are really great at doing their hair, you feel just a little bit jealous.

19. But you've learned to embrace your hair for what it is: perfect without all the extra fuss.