This Is What Your Favorite Celebrities Would Look Like With Drag Makeovers

    Kanye, you better work, girl.

    Christopher McParlan is the talented artist behind the Tumblr account Celebrities as Drag Queens.

    When asked about the creation of the blog, Christopher tells BuzzFeed that he really just had some free time on his hands.

    "What originally made me start the blog (honestly) was kind of because I got bored one day."

    "I've always loved art and graphics."

    "And I happened to be not too bad at Photoshop since I've had it for a few years."

    "I absolutely adore Rupaul's Drag Race."

    "For some reason the thought popped into my head to see whether I could reach a similar result (to drag makeup) on Photoshop."

    Christopher picks some celebrities to transform on his own...

    Or you can request a celebrity you would like to see.

    “I just normally take requests on who to transform, but sometimes I’ll think 'oh, I haven’t done this person yet, that could be a good idea.'”

    The process involves a LOT of contouring.

    "To make the transformations, I first get rid of all of the eyebrows/stubble."

    "Then contour the face."

    "Create the eye makeup."

    "Add some eyelashes."

    "And finally contour some more."

    And there are plenty more great transformations to come!

    "I currently have requests for celebrities like Dave Franco, Douglas Booth, Danny DeVito, Mitt Romney, Charlie Sheen, Snoop Dogg..."

    "And even Jesus!"

    Be sure to check out the artist's Tumblr and Twitter.