YouTuber Gives Makeover To Homeless Man

    YouTube channel VitalyzdTV is usually known for its comedy pranks. But this time, Vitaly Zdorovetskiy used his channel to make the day of a random homeless man named Martin.

    First Vitaly approached Martin and asked him if he wanted a makeover.

    You could say Martin was into it.

    So they went shopping.

    And got Martin a haircut.

    Then Vitaly took Martin to a hotel where he could shower and sleep for a couple days.

    They hit the town.

    Grabbed a steak dinner.

    And Martin's day was made.

    Watch the full video here!

    View this video on YouTube

    From Vitaly:

    "I wanted to make a random homeless guy's day and since I am usually a d-bag in my vids..I also wanted to show people that I have a heart and I am a really nice guy."

    Vitaly also asked viewers who enjoyed the video to donate money to help Martin get his teeth fixed. They hit their goal in less than 24 hours.