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Where Is Super Bowl XLVIII Taking Place?

If ya don't know, now ya know.

You probably know that Super Bowl XLVIII is happening this Sunday, February 2, 2014.

You probably also know that the Seattle Seahawks will be playing the Denver Broncos.

And if you're a real smarty pants you know that the Super Bowl will be played at Metlife Stadium, home of the New York Giants and New York Jets.

BUT, do you know where Metlife Stadium is?

  1. What city will Super Bowl XLVIII take place?

    Flickr / Marsmettn Tallahassee / Via Flickr: 64472342@N05

    That's right, bitches! The Super Bowl is happening in magical East Rutherford, NEW JERSEY, which is where the NY Giants and NY Jets play all season long despite their names. So when you're watching the Super Bowl this Sunday and they cut to a shot of the Empire State Building, or an aerial view of Manhattan Island, or a slow pan over Times Square, just remember, it's all a load of bullshit. What they SHOULD show you are the solemn faces of the hard-working people of East Rutherford or, like, Bruce Springsteen's biceps or something. GO NJ!