21 Times Sarah Silverman Dropped Some Hard Truths

    Sarah 4 prez.

    1. On socializing girls:

    2. On a woman's right to choose:

    3. On priorities:

    4. On universal love:

    If ur religion doesn't teach u to accept people who r dif than u than u should switch to science & love

    5. On growing as a person:

    6. On religion:

    7. On perspective:

    8. On values:

    What if we raised our children to have values& empathy-not b/c of fear of God or a prize of heaven but just b/c it was right?

    9. On equal rights:

    10. On mental health:

    11. On interfaith:

    12. On the hot button issues:

    Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus

    13. On sexual liberation:

    14. On practical problem solving:

    15. On mind, body, and soul:

    16. On self medicating:

    17. On calling it like it is:

    18. On being held accountable:

    19. On the pay gap:

    20. On existence:

    21. On the importance of loving yourself:

    Thumbnail image: Getty / Mark Davis