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21 Questions New Jerseyans Are Tired Of Hearing

Just shh. No talking.

1. "You're from Joisey? Is that how you say it? Joisey?"

2. "Why aren't you tan?"

3. "Where's your Jersey accent?"

4. "Isn't your entire state a dump?"

5. "Do you live in New Jersey because you can't afford to live in New York City?"

6. "Is your family in the mob?"

7. "Do you even know how to pump gas?"

8. "Why does Jersey smell so bad?"

9. "Do you fist-pump?"

10. "Why does everyone curse so much?"

11. "What's pork roll?"

12. "Why is everyone from New Jersey so tough?"

13. "What's so great about diners?"

14. "Have you ever seen Clerks?"

15. "So is everyone in New Jersey a guido?"

16. "Why does everyone drive so fast?"

17. "Why do you call it 'the shore'?"

18. "Why are your taxes so high?"

19. "What exit? Ha ha ha."

20. "Why is impossible to make a left turn in this state?"

21. "Man, New Jersey sounds awesome. When can I move there?"