22 Birds With Arms

    Because internet. Via /r/birdswitharms.

    1. "And a one, and a two..."

    2. "Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!"

    3. "You like THAT?"

    4. "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

    5. "Aaaand MINE."

    6. "You picked the wrong owl, buddy."

    7. *Whistles pleasantly to self*

    8. "Love a good train ride."


    10. "Hey Bill. Yep, just trimming the hedges."

    11. "FREEZE."

    12. "You look lost, pal."

    13. *Grunts*

    14. "Did someone here order a pizza?"

    15. *Evil laughter*

    16. "Winter is coming."

    17. "More pepper?"

    18. "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, don't be nervous..."

    19. "Oh my god. Is that a FIRE SALE?"

    20. "Hrmph. Tourists."

    21. "Aw, yeah. That's the spot."

    22. "What? Never seen a bird with arms before?"