• CA Election 2015 badge

Here Are All Of The Candidates Who Have Gotten In Trouble This Election

The internet, man.

Another day, another candidate in hot water.

The 42nd federal election campaign has been especially unkind to candidates who've said or done stupid things, and you can blame it mostly on the internet.

It's getting hard to keep track of all the candidates who've run into trouble, so here's a handy-dandy roundup — in no particular order — of all the transgressors, status as candidates included.


🏃= still running

👢 = got the boot

☕️ = peed in a mug

1. Joe Daniel

2. Marilyn Gladu

3. Alex Johnstone

4. Erin O'Toole

5. Tim Dutaud

6. Joy Davies

7. Blair Dale

8. Chris Brown

9. ☕️ Jerry Bance ☕️

10. Rick Dykstra

11. Jagdish Grewal

12. Virginie Provost

13. Maria Manna

14. Ray Fox

15. Konstantin Toubis

16. Gordon Giesbrecht

17. Morgan Wheeldon

18. Wiliam Moughrabi

19. Chantal St-Onge

20. Ryan Leef

21. Ala Buzreba

Party: Liberal

Riding: Calgary Nose Hill

The issue: She got into a heated Twitter argument over the Israel/Palestine conflict in which she told someone to "blow their brains out," among other things.

Status: 👢

22. Beatrice Zako

23. Buddy Ford

24. Augustin Ali Kitoko

25. Soheil Eid

26. Chris Austin

27. Peter Njenga

28. Gilles Guibord

29. Stefan Jonasson

30. Mario Tremblay

31. Ethan Rabidoux

32. Marwan Tabbara

33. Jacques Tremblay

34. Noah Richler

35. Robert Strickland

36. Katherine Swampy

37. Cheryl Thomas

38. Francine Crevier Bélair

39. Chris Lloyd

Total number of candidates who've gotten the 👢: 19