12 Things No Woman Should Ever Feel Bad About

    Go out and get what you deserve, girl.

    1. Being the one to make decisions about your body.

    2. Sex

    3. Being selective about friends

    4. Your body changing

    5. Asking for a raise or promotion

    6. Not being ~OK~ all of the time.

    It may be a cliché, but we all have days where we just want to curl up, make a duvet fort, eat chocolate, watch something trashy on TV, and not face the world. Sometimes there's a tangible reason for why you're feeling down, other days you can't put your finger on it. On those days, it's important to be kind to yourself. Get through the hours where you have to communicate with other humans, but if you feel that all you want to do is cancel your evening plans, crawl home, sack off the healthy eating, have a bath, and find something comforting to watch on Netflix, then you're allowed to.

    And, you know what? It's all right to cry too. Don't dismiss your emotions on the basis that you don't have anything to be upset over, or that other people have it worse. Everything is relative, and you're allowed to have moments where you just feel emotional. Go to bed in the knowledge that tomorrow is a brand-new day.

    7. Not being in a relationship.

    8. Comparing yourself with other women

    9. Being confident

    We often suppress our confidence for a multitude of reasons, often because we're concerned about how other people perceive us. But sometimes it's important to disregard the opinions of other people.

    If you want to say no to a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, say no. If you feel you have achieved something noteworthy at work, tell your boss. If you're feeling your look, take that selfie. Whatever your size or shape, wear any outfit you desire. Who cares what anyone else thinks. You're amazing, so be proud of who you are.

    10. Making decisions about your body and future based on what you want.

    11. Past relationships.

    12. Not having everything ~together~