Kim Kardashian Actually Mocks Herself In Her Super Bowl Advert

    Spoiler alert: There are a lot of selfies.

    Kim Kardashian has unveiled an advert for T-Mobile she filmed for the US Super Bowl next month, and it is frankly amazing. Largely because she isn't taking herself seriously.

    Not only is it peak Kim Kardashian – involving A LOT of selfies – but it also reveals her sense of humour, with the star mocking her public persona and love of being online.

    The advert opens with Kim saying: "Hi. I'm Kim. Each month millions of gigs of unused data are taken back by wireless companies. Tragic."

    She goes on to say "Data you paid for that could be used to see my make-up, my backhand, my outfits, my vacation...and my outfits," before it cuts to multiple scenarios where she's taking selfies.

    And this is where we see the Kim we know and love.

    The ad ends with her saying: "It's your data. Keep it." Presumably so you can do things like this:

    Watch the full advert here.

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