29 Questions All Girls In Their Mid-Twenties Are Tired Of Answering

    So, when are you going to settle down?

    1. Aren't you a bit old to be going out so much?

    2. Don't you think you should save more money?

    3. Do you really need so many clothes?

    4. Do you think you should be saving for a deposit on a house?

    5. When are you going to settle down?

    6. Surely you want a relationship?

    7. Don't you get lonely?

    8. Why are you still single?

    9. Do you think maybe you're too picky?

    10. Have you thought about online dating?

    11. Oooh Tinder sounds fun, how does it work?

    12. You do want to get married eventually, don't you?

    13. When do you think he'll propose?

    14. When do you think you'll have kids?

    15. Don't you think you should get a move on? Clock's ticking!

    16. You do want to have kids, don't you?

    17. But what do you really want to do with your life?

    18. Like, where do you see yourself in five years?

    19. What do you mean you don't have a long-term plan?

    20. You don't really think you can have it all, do you?

    21. Did you know that in my day...?

    22. You're cool with something not serious, right?

    23. How many people have you slept with?

    24. Aren't you on the pill?

    25. Do you know how many calories are in that?

    26. Why do you spend so much time online?

    27. Why do you post so many selfies?

    28. Are you really going to wear that?

    29. Are you on your period?