North West Has Replica Kimye Dolls To Play With

    Did you really expect anything less?

    We all know that North West isn't your average 16-month-old. She wears head-to-toe leathers and goes to fashion shows, for starters.

    But it turns out that even North's toys are slightly unusual – she plays with replica Kim Kardashian and Kanye West dolls.

    Khloe Kardashian shared a photo on Instagram, showing the two dolls sitting amongst other wooden toys emblazoned with North's name.

    It wasn't long before the designer of the dolls, Celine, posted more photos of the Kimye dolls.

    Here's Kanye, dressed in a faux mink vest and slightly shiny distressed faux-leather trousers.

    Oh, and North also has her own doll version of herself. Because, obviously.

    Never change, Wests.