Cheryl Fernandez-Versini Took Our "Which Cheryl Are You?" Quiz

    And she was very pleased with the result.

    We created a "Which Cheryl Are You?" quiz.

    And then we were lucky enough to meet the woman herself, so it only seemed right that we got her to take it.

    We started off by asking Cheryl which solo single of hers is her favourite.

    This one was pretty easy for her. She went straight for "Fight For This Love."

    Next up:

    She liked this one.

    In fact, when she saw that "Clamming" was an option, she was all: "Wow! That is amazing!"

    And so "Clamming," (which means hungry,) was the only choice.

    She explained: "Not a lot of people would know what that means. I'm really impressed by that. "Wey aye!" is obvious, "Howay man," is obvious. "Hinnie" is old fashioned and old school Geordie. But clamming is something I use. If I was really starving, I'd say to me little brother, "Garry, I'm clamming!"

    Next up was "Pick a Cheryl selfie".

    She found this one hard as she's not really a fan of her selfies.

    In fact, she says that this pouting selfie was taken after her fans forced her to!

    She said: "This one where I'm pouting was where I was literally being forced by people on Instagram saying: "Instagram's for pictures, take a selfie!" So I took one.

    In the end, she went for the snap of her with her dog, Buster.

    Cheryl said: "I love my doggies. And it's the only one that was spontanoues. I never really do selfies. The other ones were work related. The one with Buster is from a moment when I wanted to, and it's my baby."


    Next question:

    She was pretty mesmerised by these options.

    After a bit of deliberation, she went for this one.

    But she did then say that all four options could be potentials depending on the day:

    Then we asked her to pick a beauty product.

    Whereupon she noticed a fundamental flaw in the image choices.

    We're sorry Cheryl, please forgive us.

    But she very quickly chose eyeliner.

    She said: "I'm going to go for eyeliner. Because I always go for black eyeliner. I kind of feel different or bare without it. I don't feel like me without a bit of eyeliner."

    Next up...

    She rather liked this one, too.

    But it was, however, a no brainer.

    Cheryl said: "Melanie. Girl power."

    The next question she found interesting.

    But she chose the colour green and even referenced "Kermit-gate" – when Simon called her Kermit after she wore a green dress on The X Factor a few weeks ago.

    Cheryl said: "Interesting. I'm going to go for green. Hence Kermit-gate. I really like green for my skin tone, I can pull off all greens because I've got an olive-y skin tone. I just love the colour green."

    And finally, seeing as she's such a dog lover, we asked Cheryl to pick a puppy.

    She found it a difficult decision.

    But eventually she went for this little one.

    After all that, it was time for the result. Which she was a bit confused by at first.

    But when she read the description it all became clear, with her saying: "Oh wow!" and being very glad that she got that outcome as opposed to the other possible ones.

    What a babe <3