10 Things That Rhyme With Chuck Hagel

    Some of these will make OK band names.

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, aka the guy Obama hired to handle his war stuff, resigned from the post today.

    The New York Times says he might have been fired for not having the skills to deal with ISIS terrorists.

    Hagel will remain on the job, and sixth in line for the presidency, until Obama can find a replacement.

    So, in honor of our 24th Secretary of Defense, here's some stuff that rhymes with his name.

    1. "Hunk Stable"

    2. "Duck Navel"

    3. "Bunk Maple"

    4. "Schmuck Ladle"

    5. "Tuck Fable"

    6. "Fuck Table"

    7. "Luck Omegle"

    8. "Yuck Basil"

    9. "Suck Nasal"

    10. "Funk Bagel"