Conservatives Outraged At Suggestion Colorado Shooter Belonged To Tea Party

    Conservatives took to Twitter to denouonce ABC News reporter Brian Ross for passing off a simple Google search as proof that Aurora theater shooter James Holmes has ties to the Tea Party.

    Here's ABC's report connecting Holmes to the Tea Party from this morning's Good Morning America broadcast.

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    I'm not sure whether the left's reflexive scapegoating of Tea Party for every act of violence says more about their ignorance or malice.

    I'm not sure whether the left's reflexive scapegoating of Tea Party for every act of violence says more about their ignorance or malice.-- David Limbaugh

    There are over 25 James Holmes in and around Aurora, but ABC News found a Tea Party member with that name. Big suprise!

    There are over 25 James Holmes in and around Aurora, but ABC News found a Tea Party member with that name. Big suprise!-- John Dowd

    ABC's Brian Ross positing potential tea party link 2Aurora shooter not surprising. Media did the same thing in aftermath of Giffords.

    ABC's Brian Ross positing potential tea party link 2Aurora shooter not surprising. Media did the same thing in aftermath of Giffords.-- Laura Ingraham

    Love how some in MSM go 2 great lengths 2 try 2 find Tea Party links when violence occurs, but won't report documented violence in Occupy

    Love how some in MSM go 2 great lengths 2 try 2 find Tea Party links when violence occurs, but won't report documented violence in Occupy-- Jedediah Bila

    It says much about the state of our media that the first place they look when trying to place blame for horrific tragedy is the tea party.

    It says much about the state of our media that the first place they look when trying to place blame for horrific tragedy is the tea party.-- Kevin Eder

    That didn't take long: ABC draws possible Tea Party connection with alleged Aurora shooter

    That didn't take long: ABC draws possible Tea Party connection with alleged Aurora shooter Charles Sykes

    Hey @BrianRoss @GStephanopoulos why did you blame Tea Party re:James Holmes in Batman #theatershooting on @GMA on @ABC?

    Hey @BrianRoss @GStephanopoulos why did you blame Tea Party re:James Holmes in Batman #theatershooting on @GMA on @ABC?-- Joel Pollak

    Even a liberal shamed Ross and ABC.

    Typical wild recklessness from Brian Ross (via @adamserwer)

    Typical wild recklessness from Brian Ross (via @adamserwer)-- Glenn Greenwald