Prince William Was A Really Good Sport During His Trip To Japan

    What a good sport.

    Prince William spent several days in Japan this week as part of an official tour.

    Although he was traveling solo, the Duke of Cambridge did all the usual things one does on an official visit to Japan, like meeting the Emperor and Empress.

    But he also did some other things... like meet dragons.

    One of the dragons even tried to eat the Duke.

    He also dressed up in this rather snappy "Happi" coat to take part in a sake barrel breaking ceremony.

    He even got to dress up in traditional a Japanese Ryokan outfit for dinner with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

    Here is the Prince doing a very good job of not looking uncomfortable.

    He also managed to not look too awkward when he sat solo for a private performance by several Geishas.

    Then he donned a traditional Samurai King's Costume, which he seemed to really enjoy.

    The prince even met with kids in a ball pit at a children's fun park which was, well, adorable.

    He even juggled!

    But one of the kids threw balls at the prince. OFF WITH HER HEAD.

    The duke made a trip to Japanese state broadcaster NHK and clearly loved being in front of the cameras.

    He even met with NHK's weird, poo-with-teeth mascot "Domo," which the prince seemed to think was funny.

    Like, really funny.

    Perhaps aware of what people have said about his hair in the past, the prince decided to skip trying on a Samurai wig.

    Instead, the British ambassador to Japan tried the wig, which William thought was very amusing indeed.

    Kate better watch out because the royals have a new fashion icon...