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The 33 Dumbest Things That Happened In 2013

2013 will go down as the dumbest year in human history. Only 1246 comes close.

1. This biology lesson:

2. This tragedy:

3. This question:

4. This girl's #wondering:

5. This question:

And this ultimatum:

6. This history lesson:

7. This person finding their new career path:

8. Alex's request:

9. This road trip:

10. This person's reaction to elevators:

11. This declaration of love:

12. Robby's night at the hospitel:

13. This person's take on the animal kingdom:

14. This:

15. This person's new perfume:

16. This question:

17. This person's multi-grain death:

18. This challenge:

19. Jordan's celebration:

20. This cute couple and their tattoos of devotion:

21. This future mathematician's estimation:

22. This revelation:

23. This person's new career:

24. This groundbreaking development in squirreling education:

25. This lesson in internet slang:

26. This person's hot new book title:

27. This sad spelling lesson:

28. This future mechanic's question:

29. This girl's shitty dessert:

30. This person who has clearly never seen an animal before this question:

31. This person's severely misguided idea of what Canada is:

32. This person's reaction to a sunrise:

33. This person's devastating revelation:

And everything these people have ever said: