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In Memory Of The Best Character On "The Walking Dead" (SPOILERS)

We're going to miss you. Spoilers, obviously!

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RIP, T-Dog:

Let's remember a man who left us too soon...

A man who wasn't afraid to stand in the background and stare just slightly to the right of the camera:

A man who noticed things from time to time:

A man whose name everyone forgot:

A man whose real name was actually Theodore:

A man who made this face:

A man who also made this face:

A man who didn't really know how to drive:

A man who gave Rick's "Ricktatorship" a run for its money:

A man who got slightly more screen time than a stuffed doll last season:

A man who died in such a badass fashion:

A man who didn't really do that much:

...but, in all honesty, he was still the most likable character on the show:

And a man who made it so that from now on, every November 4th will be known as "T-Dog" Day:

Good night, sweet prince:

Oh, and RIP Lori too, I guess.