19 Pictures That Look Exactly Like Finals Week Feels

    HELP. ME.

    1. Finals week is this game of Jenga gone wrong:

    2. It's this birthday celebration:

    3. And this trip downstairs:

    4. Finals week is this bottle of stress relief:

    5. It's this beach photo op:

    6. And this dog:

    7. Finals week is this boat:

    8. It's this emoji:

    9. And this volleyball spike:

    10. Finals week is this baby:

    11. It's this child:

    12. And this casual fire:

    13. Finals week is this sign:

    14. It's this tangle:

    15. And this home run swing:

    16. Finals week is this guy:

    17. It's this girl:

    18. And it's this disaster:

    19. But, mostly, finals week is this T-shirt: