18 Reasons Why Evolution Is Totally And Completely Fake

    If evolution does exist, then why are these dingalings allowed to keep muckin' everything up?

    1. If evolution is real, how are there still people who think this is a good idea?

    2. And how are there people who think this is the best way to get downstairs?

    3. If evolution is real, how does something like this happen?

    4. And how did people like this exist?

    5. If evolution is real, why are there still people around who think photo shoots with snakes are a good idea?

    6. Or that diving into snow is a fine way to spend an afternoon?

    7. If evolution is real, why are Human Candles still around?

    8. And how are ideas like this still being executed?

    9. If evolution is real, explain this idea:

    10. Or this one:

    11. If evolution is real, then why are people still putting firecrackers under bowls?

    12. And why are people still doing... this?

    13. If evolution is real, then why is chair jumping still allowed?

    14. If evolution is real, then why is this man allowed to have a gun?

    15. And why are these kids allowed to practice martial arts?

    16. If evolution is real, why do people think beds make good poles?

    17. And why do people still end up doing this?

    18. Or this?

    19. But, most of all, if evolution IS real, then why aren't we all Nicolas Cage?