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17 Reasons Why You Should Never Try To Look Cool In Front Of Your Friends

Mainly because you're a big ol' doofus, anyway.

1. Because you forgot to wear a belt:

2. Because you're on national television:

3. Because those chips aren't even that expensive, anyway:

4. Because that wall isn't as strong as you think it is:

5. Because sand is a lot harder than you last remembered:

6. Because no one wants to see you kiss a turtle:

7. Because those skis are too expensive:

8. Because fence backflips never go as planned:

9. Because your dance moves will go horribly wrong:

10. Because stairs exist for a reason:

11. Because your shirt will betray you:

12. Because there's nothing exciting about dock tricks:

13. Because dancing and television never go well together:

14. Again, because of stairs:

15. Because you're making a special delivery:

16. Because what are you possibly hoping to accomplish?

17. And because your trick isn't that cool anyway: