• Mardi Gras 2016 badge

9 Things Straight White Guys Won't Understand About Gaming

Australia is about to host its first queer gaming convention, coz gamer allies of all stripes need to unite.

1. The gamer who just kicked your arse at Assassins Creed is probably a 33-year-old lesbian from Wollongong.

2. Gaming has never been the sole domain of the straight, white dude.

3. Creativity, not masculinity, drove the early gamers.

4. Indie developers are putting the gay in gaymer, and the mainstream is taking notice.

5. The girl gamer is now the game maker.

6. Black space warrior goddesses are a thing, but visibility is still an issue.

7. LBGTIQ games have a loyal following, but there's still more work to be done.

8. Games can offer a representation of love and sexuality as diverse as real life.

9. LGBTIQ players need a space to call their own.