17 People Who Have Literally No Idea What They're Getting For Christmas

    ♫On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, absolutely no surprises.♫

    1. The person getting this classy mystery:

    2. Whoever gets this head-scratcher:

    3. The person who's about to have the ride of their life:

    4. The kids getting these hair-razing gifts:

    5. The receiver of this hot mystery:

    6. Whoever gets this situation:

    7. The person who'll get a kick out of this:

    8. The receiver of this golden booty:

    9. Whoever has to handle this mystery:

    10. The lil' one getting this surprise:

    11. The person who'll do cartwheels over this enigma:

    12. Whoever gets to cycle through this gift:

    13. The person who gets whatever this stuff is:

    14. Whoever receives this T-rrific gift:

    15. This guy and his not-so-mysterious present:

    16. Whoever receives this mysterious heart-rate raiser:

    17. And finally, the poor soul who is literally getting this for Christmas: