Here’s What Happened When People Tried To Name One Thing About Canada

    “Mosquitoy as fuck.”

    "People not from Canada, can you name one thing you know about Canada?" asked Keith de Silvia Legault, aka BadCustomerService, on Reddit.

    1. "They say sorry all the time." (ExtremeReadit)

    2. "Mounties ride moose and get their powers from maple syrup." (Jedi4Hire)

    @madvixen1983 @campbellru24 @NemoNewfie Answer your question?

    3. "Justin Bieber 👉😡" (28natmart)

    4. "They call macaroni and cheese Kraft Dinner." (zipperstress)

    5. "Mosquitoy as fuck." (nugget8k)

    6. "There is no hope for The Maple Leafs." (aussiemac17)

    7. One person (Nomsfud) submitted a lovely poem:

    You have beautiful forests and national parks and lakes.

    You really are die hard for hockey.

    Not all of you are like the Trailer Park Boys.

    But all of you do say 'eh'

    You love poutine.

    You're usually all very nice, humble people

    8. "A teacher told me that Canada was founded by a bunch of drunk guys on a boat." (earendil-mariner)

    9. "That fucking healthcare system." (PrayingForJetpacks)

    10. De Silvia Legault compiled all of the answers related to places in Canada into a single map.

    11. "I know that Canadians muscle the fuck out of the balls when they shoot pool. To their credit, they are deadly accurate and precise, but where is the finesse, eh ? I'm talking the soft gentle stroke. It has its place at the table." (SomeDudeInAK)

    12. "Apparently your $100 bills smell like maple syrup. I don't believe this." (yogerfoe)

    13. "I don't know the biological basis for this working, but their heads come completely apart in the middle. The top half of their head can just float above the base." (Rhodle114)

    14. "I was once told that in parts of Canada people primarily live underground because its so cold. Is that true or was it just bs?" (azdbat33)

    It's bs, dude.

    15. "Some people take maple syrup and pour it on the snow, wait til it gets slushy-ish, and roll it onto a wooden stick. they at it like popsicles kinda." (kiranrayne1)

    16. THIS for sure: "They are obsessed with what other countries think of them." (DogCatWhiskey)

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