The Strange Violent World Of Russian PSAs

    Some disturbing images ahead.

    1. Second-hand smoke.

    2. Smoking is suicide

    3. HIV Awareness for highway prostitutes.

    4. Anti-Abortion.

    5. Anti-Abortion.

    6. Don't Drink and Drive.

    7. Anti-Alcohol.

    8. Anti-Smoking (masturbating cigarette).

    9. Anti-Litter/Smoking.

    10. Anti-Smoking targeting kids.

    11. "Hell Squirrel" (anti-alcoholism).

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    Meet the much beloved Russian "Hell Squirrel."

    He is suffering from acute alcoholic psychosis.

    He rants about invisible spiders, killing a woman, and he and sings 'Volga.'

    Check out his nice Curly impersonation there towards the end.

    The commercial is via the Russian Health Ministry.

    The last words from Hell Squirrel's mouth: "If you're drinking, I'm coming for you."