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17 People Who Already Won Thanksgiving 2014

The pilgrims weren't the only pioneers this year.

1. This woman who totally committed to her turkey costume.

2. And this guy whose outfit was slightly less polished (but equally spirited).

3. This person who figured out how to make pumpkin pie bite-sized.

4. This adorable pilgrim child.

5. This slightly terrified cat who realized this wasn't the best time to be a turkey.

6. This person who flawlessly executed three different pies.

7. And this person who flawlessly executed a different kind of dessert.

8. This person who froze cranberries into their ice to make festive drinks.

9. And this woman who leveraged the power of construction paper into a festive ensemble.

10. This house that went all-out on the decorations.

11. This woman whose icing letters inspire everyone to DIY a little better.

12. This baby who made a new friend.

13. This girl who knows where the priorities are for thanksgiving dinner.

14. This aunt and nephew who made the perfect family DIY.

15. This albino hedgehog who made a new friend... just for today.

16. This woman who made sure the party essentials were covered.

17. This baby who knows the true meaning of the holiday, even if they can't say it yet.