19 Things People Never Tell You About Being Newly Single

    Everything is a trigger.

    1. Every song, no matter what, IS A TRIGGER.

    2. Seeing a couple in the middle of some sort of PDA is physically excruciating.

    3. Friends' weddings are just one big emotional roller coaster.

    4. There's an extreme thirsty stage...

    5. ... And an I HATE EVERYONE stage.

    6. You need to buy an almost entirely new wardrobe to reflect your new relationship status.

    7. Getting on Tinder is Hell on Earth.

    8. Depressing breakup songs can be actually satisfying.

    9. You'll impulsivley stalk your ex on social media.

    10. Only to find out you've been blocked.

    11. You'll hear "it was for the better" A MILLION TIMES.

    12. And be asked "how are you feeling... about things?" even more.

    13. Your friends will try to set you up on dates.

    14. Consumption of tequila will result in the worst or best night of your life since the breakup.

    15. You'll still sleep on one side of the bed out of habit.

    16. Flirting is now like a foreign language that you forgot how to speak.

    17. You'll wish you could be left ALONE without being judged.

    18. You'll question "love" and the authenticity of anyone who is in "love."

    19. But with time, you'll eventually learn to enjoy the single life.