21 People Who Ruin It For Everyone Else


    1. People who do shit like this.

    2. People who are unaware of their size.

    3. People with way more than ten items.

    4. Dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs.

    5. People who screenshot Snapchats.

    6. Sick people who go to the movies.

    7. The straight A students.

    8. People who count calories around you.

    9. Kids who pee in the pool.

    10. High school health teachers.

    11. The smart-asses who pull bathroom pranks.

    12. Neighbors who mow their lawn early in the morning.

    13. People who can't dispose of their gum properly.

    14. People who steal wishes.

    15. People who take advantage of their reclining privileges on airplanes.

    16. People who leave their shopping carts in the parking lot.

    17. People who bring over-stimulated dogs to the dog park.

    18. People who mark their territory at the gym with sweat.

    19. People who wear age-inappropriate attire to the beach.

    20. Overly competitive people on game night.

    21. And men who act like everything is their penis.