17 Grandpas Who Just Out-Grandpa'd Themselves

    Only grandpa.

    1. This grandpa who knows grandma says it the best:

    2. This grandpa who's giving away LIMITED-TIME offers:

    3. This honest grandpa:

    4. This grandpa who at least is washing his hands:

    5. This grandpa who wants his grandchild to have fun, BUT NOT THAT KIND OF FUN:

    6. This grandpa who confused a funeral card for a Christmas card:

    7. And this grandpa who figured an Easter card was close enough to a birthday card:

    8. This sneaky grandpa who hides his candy stash in medicine bottles:

    9. This grandpa who mastered the ultimate life hack to keep his hat on his head:

    10. This grandpa who's tired of those damn "squirls" and "racoons."

    11. This grandpa who isn't happy about his limited mobility:

    12. This grandpa vacuuming his lawn:

    13. This grandpa who is FaceTiming his grandson with his ear:

    14. This grandpa betting against his grandchildren:

    15. This grandpa who taped over this remote's excess of buttons:

    16. This MacGyver grandpa who travels in S T Y L E.

    17. And this grandpa who knows how to get relatives to come visit him.