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19 Things Everyone Who Sucks At Texting Understands


1. If someone is looking for a quick response, they shouldn't be texting you.

2. Because every terrible texter lives by these rules and these rules only:

3. Sending the same text over and over won't constitute a reply.

4. You only feel the need to respond to a question when you know the answer.

5. And all of your other replies are straight to the point.

6. You figure if someone really wants to talk to you, they can wait for a response.

7. You don't appreciate the sass you receive about your texting habits.

8. To you, the "mark as read" feature is THE SAME as a typed response.

9. It's nearly impossible for you to house a conversation over text.

10. The majority of the time, you forget to reply to a text because you answered in your head.

11. Which is exactly why you constantly have to lie about why you didn't text back.

12. You literally have no idea why this is irritating to others.

13. Your texts notifications are always well into the double digits.

14. If you receive pages worth of a single text, that's the end of a friendship.

15. You're not trying to intentionally drive everyone insane with the text bubble, you just accidentally hit the space bar.

16. You live every day in fear of becoming group texted.

17. And some of your relationships have actually ended because of how terrible of a texter you really are.

18. But at the end of the day, you didn't come here to make conversation.