22 Actual Relationship Lessons "Love Actually" Taught Us

    Just because it's Christmas...

    1. Relationships come in all shapes and sizes.

    2. You never know how you'll find "The One".

    3. Love can make you brave.

    4. And it can definitely make you a little crazy.

    5. It can be painful...

    6. Or pitiful...

    7. And it doesn't always come easy.

    8. Falling in love doesn't have to be a fairy tale to be perfect.

    9. Big gestures are nice...

    10. But the little things are just as important.

    11. Love requires hard choices.

    12. Everybody pines.

    13. But you've got to let yourself move on.

    14. Big love requires big risks.

    15. And sometimes you just have to let love kick the shit out of you.

    16. Things don't always work out

    17. And that's OK.

    18. Love is about more than romance.

    19. Never waste a chance to tell someone you love them.

    20. Because it ain't over ’til it's over.

    21. Love isn't particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it is there.

    22. Love actually is all around.

    In the end, you can see it everywhere.

    But if you can't find it anywhere else, may I suggest you check out the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport?