21 Times You Knew You Were Growing Up Into A Woman

    RIP boobless body.

    1. You graduated from Seventeen to Cosmopolitan.

    2. Your go-to tween queens were all of the sudden A-list celebrities.

    Lizzie McGuire is that you?

    3. You started drinking wine to relax and talk, not to get drunk.

    4. Facebook became your primary tool for sending out e-vites for brunches and parties.

    5. Little Leo now looked like this.

    Looks like Jack let go.

    6. You looked forward to getting home and having "me time," not limited to an hour-long bath.

    7. Limited Too no longer fit you, because your butt abruptly came in.

    What is happening to my body?

    8. When other girls voiced their opinion about you, you gave zero shits for the first time.

    9. For Christmas, you started asking for home decor and clothes instead of the new Malibu Barbie.

    I really need something for my room... because I am poor.

    10. You bought your first full outfit with your own money.

    11. Being in love with high school Shawn Hunter was officially considered creepy.

    12. You were no longer into Forever 21.

    Hello J. Crew. How do you do, Ann Taylor?

    13. You started spending more time on yourself by revamping your wardrobe.

    14. You experienced the hellacious nightmare that is waxing.

    So what your saying is, I have to EITHER have razor burn or violently getting my hair ripped out?

    15. You didn't understand slang words your friend's sister was using.

    16. Wishes for what you wanted out of life became wants, and you knew how to get them.

    17. People who hit on you asked if you were married, not if you had an S.O..

    18. You bought a matching bra and underwear set.


    19. You realized things aren't as equal as you thought.

    20. Your idea of a good time became Bravo, a beer, and your cat.

    21. You realized that you were fiercely independent and ready to change the world.