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22 Things No One Tells You About Being In A Long-Distance Relationship

♫ I can go the distance ♪

1. People tend to not take you seriously when you say you're doing it.

2. You don't realize how sad you'll be until your S.O. actually leaves.

3. You often have to resort to a ton of voice calls or messaging.

4. In order for it to work, you have to both be equally committed.

5. Time tends to slow down, because you're counting down the minutes until they come back.

6. The internet can be your worst enemy...

7. ...or your best friend.

8. Flying out to see them is more expensive than you think.

9. Every day, there will be things that trigger memories of your S.O. that will cause you to randomly cry.

10. "Distance" starts to mean something completely different.

11. You become more independent...in a good way.

12. Trust and communication become the two most important things that can make or break your relationship.

13. Conversations aren't always lively.

14. When you see anyone kiss or hug on TV, you experience a moment of debilitating sadness.

15. You're more attached to your phone than ever.

16. Planning becomes your forté in life.

17. You get a lot more negative comments than positive from friends...

18. Every time you see mutual friends, you're asked about your S.O. and the whole "long distance" situation.

19. You have more opportunities to be a little romantic and creative.

20. The thirst is real and unavoidable, but pretty easy to deal with.

21. Your time is now focused on the friendship portion of your relationship.

22. Seeing them after those months is the best feeling in the world, and makes all the effort worth it.