23 Problems Only People With Freckles Will Understand

    They aren't just for redheads, mkay?

    1. Your friends have played an "innocent" game of connect the freckles on you with a pen... that's impossible to get off.

    bored in class so I played connect the dots with this kids freckles #ymm

    2. Going outside is an invitation for more to spawn everywhere.

    3. People always refer to your BEAUTY MARK on your face as your mole.

    4. Your dermatologist might as well be your best friend because of how often you have to see them.

    5. ABCD means something completely different to you.

    6. You've had to wear a long sleeve shirt... during the summer... to the pool.

    7. You've slapped yourself one too many times from mistaking a freckle for a bug.

    just started screaming because I thought one of my freckles was a bug

    8. Your friends would always ask if they could count your freckles as if it was fun for you.

    9. Getting a tan comes with great consequence.

    10. Little kids have come up to you and asked what "those spots are."

    11. As well as the classic, "you have some dirt/chocolate on your face."

    12. Sunscreen is required just to go out and get the mail.

    13. SPF 15? Child's play. You're all about that SPF 100.

    14. You've been asked by complete strangers if you've gotten "that one checked out."

    15. You're always on edge, analyzing your skin for possible new bigger spots.

    There's a freckle on my hand that wasn't there yesterday so i'm probs gonna die

    16. Which results in the "possibly evolving freckle" photos on your phone.

    17. Finding a proper foundation shade can be an absolute nightmare.

    18. Not to mention the fact that it covers freckles up when you want to show them off.

    19. You've spent considerable amounts of time debating if your new freckles are pimples that should actually be covered up.

    "Is this a freckle or is this a pimple? I just can't tell." @aksterr has real life issues

    20. You've been condescendingly told you're "cute" no matter your age.

    21. They show up EVERYWHERE. No place is safe.

    Huge news!!! I have a freckle on my toe!!! How does that even happen???

    22. You've wondered if you'll ever turn into one big freckle eventually.

    My mom is about to turn into one big freckle. So I prob could too. @be_y0u_tiful

    23. But at the same time, people are buying products to give themselves fake freckles.

    Trends Report: Got freckle envy? Why not fake freckles with a freckle pencil http://t.co/xFgzSKoOff

    Even though freckles are frustrating...

    Also, all the cool kids have freckles.

    So embrace 'em, and be proud!