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Here's The One Easter Egg You Missed In "Big Hero 6"

It's just so fluffy.

So HOPEFULLY you have seen the wild and crazy Academy Award-winning animated film Big Hero 6.

And it's hard to forget the incredibly cute Mochi, Hiro's sassy fat cat.

But there's one adorable thing you might have missed about the fluffball.

When Hiro is standing on the staircase talking to his aunt Cass, you can see a ton of family photos in the background, but one stands out.

If you look closer, it's a picture of an extremely grumpy Mochi dressed up as Stitch from Lilo & Stitch.

Thank you for this Big Hero 6 animators.

The film actually has a ton of Disney references. You can see more easter eggs, like Hans from Frozen, in these videos.

h/t Imgur