This Fox Kids Club Magazine From 1994 Is Pure Nostalgic Awesomeness

    The autumn 1994 issue of Totally Kids magazine is really a trip down memory lane. It was also a very subtle way to get kids to watch Fox Kids programming.

    Do you remember Fox Kids? It was the totally important kids programming block shown on Fox stations across the country Mondays through Saturdays.

    Well they also happened to have an amazing FREE magazine, Totally Kids, that accompanied it.

    Obviously, the most important thing Fox needed to get in the magazine was a plug for its programming. And in all seriousness, do cartoons get any better than Batman, X-Men, and Animaniacs?!

    Of course autumn means Halloween time, and luckily for us the Animaniacs are here to guide us on how to make jack-o'-lanterns in their likeness.

    If you ever wondered why you sweat? Well have no fear, it's totally a normal thing and Eek! the Cat is here to explain why.

    No this isn't Clue, it's a Bobby's World whodunnit mystery game.

    I'm putting my money on Bobby's mom (whose voice totally sounded like Sarah Palin) as the one who did it. She was always a buzzkill.

    BTW: Don't forget to tune in to Bobby's World weekdays.

    An interview with Terry Bradshaw, BORING. But these The Tick trading cards rock.

    Ever wanted join the X-Men? Well Jubilee is here to help you find out what your mutant power should be!

    Finally, we have arguably the best part of any kids magazine, the puzzle section. Clearly The Tick maze looks like the funnest game in this batch, but the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers one is probably the cooler one cause it's Power Rangers and it's 1994!