The Definitive Ranking Of Bogan Events In Australian History

    Get ready to switch your bogan detector to HIGH.

    Before we begin, a definition:


    A doyen of Australian culture, similar to the American "redneck". Easily spotted due to penchant for sporting mullet haircuts, wearing black jeans and flannel shirts, and driving big old cars such as Valiants, Falcons or H-series Holdens while listening to AC/DC or Metallica.

    Basically, something along the lines of this:

    Now let's get started...

    21. The shopping list:

    20. The car listing:

    19. The lawnmower:

    18. The four boys:

    17. The AFL supporter:

    16. The spellcheck:

    15. Batman and his high horse:

    14. The do-it-yourself:

    13. The city limits:

    12. The conspiracy:

    11. The spoiled P-plater:

    10. The family:

    9. The Newlyweds:

    8. The anarchist:

    7. The father figure:

    6. The death machine:

    5. The portable lounge room:


    3. The honest driver:

    2. The home mechanic:

    1. The money maker: