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    19 Profound Struggles Canadians Know To Be True

    Put your windshield wipers in the air like ya just don't care!

    1. You can't say the words "out" or "about" without being seriously LOL'd at.

    2. The seasons basically go from Winter to Summer. What even is Spring?

    3. People ALWAYS assume you are American.

    4. Or worse, that Canada is a PART OF AMERICA!

    5. Nobody will ever forgive you for unleashing Justin Bieber into the world.

    Or Nickelback.

    6. Snow day? Fo-get about it.

    7. When you try to describe to foreigners just how awesome Bloody Caesars, they're just like

    8. Canadian maple syrup has ruined you for all other maple syrups.

    9. Canadian versions of TV shows get cancelled before you even have a chance to watch them.

    10. When your new ~indestructible~ Canadian money ends up like this

    11. Trying to convince people that said ~indestructible~ money smells like maple.

    12. These three antagonizing words:

    13. "Second Winter" in April.

    14. Finding mounds of dog poop on your lawn after all the snow from Second Winter melts.

    15. Winter Olympics:

    Summer Olympics:

    16. Not being able to watch the good Super Bowl ads.

    17. Canadian politics...

    18. Microsoft Word just doesn't get you.

    19. And perhaps the biggest Canadian struggle of all: Trying to walk your goats in a snowstorm.