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Welcome Fail

Trolling a beloved coming home from deployment might be going too far.

Character Tea Bags

Turn your cup of tea into a hot tub for your heroes.

Vegans Are Living a Lie

A list of the plethora of products created from the body parts of cattle.

Firefox IRL

Despite its shortcomings, Firefox is at least the cutest browser choice.

Zachary Quinto's "It Gets Better" Video

1-866-4-U-Trevor. Start there. Start anywhere. But start by believing that life is worth living and you will find your way.

Corgi in a Swing

All together now: CUTE BUTTON!

LCD Soundsystem's 'Drunk Girls'

Hello, Youth Of America, here is a new Spike Jonze-directed music video featuring pandas* for your enjoyment.

Knock Knock...

Sometimes my snapping turtle invites his friends over without telling me first.

Hipster Puppies

Are these a Puppy Collective or Dirty Puppies?

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